Daily Devotions help you grow in your faith.
Many people find it difficult to maintain a consistent habit of daily Bible reading. Knowing where to start can be the biggest challenge. We follow the S.O.A.P method. The S.O.A.P method is a simple way to approach , understand, and apply daily Bible readings to our lives.
Read the Bible verses indicated in your Daily Reading Plan for the date. Look for ONE verse that stands out. Write it in your journal.
In your own words record the context of the passage. Make an observation of what’s happening, who’s affected, and what’s taking place.
Personalize what you’ve read by asking yourself how it applies to your life right now. Write out how what God is showing you in this scripture can apply to you today.
Take a moment to consider what God has shown you today. Write out a short prayer in your journal concerning what you’ve learned.
January Classic Reading Plan
12- Gen.29,30; Lk.12
13- Gen.31-33; Lk.13
14- Gen.34-36; Lk.14
16- Gen.39-41; Lk.16
18- Gen.44-46; Lk.18
22- Ex.3-5;Lk.22
23- Ex.6-8; Lk.23
24- Ex.9-11; Lk.24
26- Ex.14-16; Acts 2
27- Ex.17-20; Acts 3
30- Ex.25-27; Acts 6
February Classic Reading Plan
17- Num.1,2; Acts 24
18- Num.3,4; Acts 25
21- Num.8,9; Acts 28
24- Num.14-16; Mk.3
March Classic Bible Reading Plan
16- Deut.30,31; Ps.40; 1 Cor.1
25- Josh.21,22; Ps.47; I Cor.10
26- Josh.23,24; Ps.44; I Cor.11
28- Judges 4,5; Ps.39,41; I Cor.13
29- Judges 6,7; Ps.52; I Cor.14
31- Judges 9-10; Ps.49; I Cor.16
April Classic Bible Reading Plan
1- Judges 11,12; Ps.50; 2 Cor.1
3- Judges 17,18; Ps.89; 2 Cor.3
5- Ruth 1,2; Ps.53,61; 2 Cor.5
6- Ruth 3,4; Ps.64,65; 2 Cor.6
9- I Sam. 6-7; Ps. 72; 2 Cor.9
11- 1 Sam. 11-12; I Chronicles 1; 2 Cor.11
12- I Sam.13; I Chronicles 2,3; 2 Cor.12
13- I Sam. 14, I Chronicles 4; 2 Cor. 13
14- I Sam. 15,16; I Chronicles 5; Mt.1
16- I Sam. 18; I Chronicles 6; Ps.11; Mt.3
17- I Sam. 19; I Chronicles 7; Ps. 59; Mt. 4
18- I Sam. 20, 21; Ps.34; Mt. 5
19- I Sam. 22; Ps. 17,35; Mt.6
20- I Sam. 23; Ps. 31, 54; Mt. 7
21- I Sam. 24; Ps. 57, 58; I Chronicles 8; Mt. 8
22- I Sam. 25,26; Ps.63; Mt. 9
23- I Sam.27; Ps.141; I Chronicles 9; Mt. 10
24- I Sam. 28,29; Ps.109; Mt.11
25- I Sam. 30,31; I Chronicles 10; Mt.12
27- 2 Sam. 2; I Chronicles 11; Ps.142; Mt. 14
28- 2 Sam. 3; I Chronicles 12; Mt.15
29- 2 Sam. 4,5; Ps. 139; Mt. 16
30- 2 Sam. 6; I Chronicles 13; Ps.68; Mt. 17
May Classic Bible Reading Plan
1- I Chronicles 14,15; Ps.132; Mt.18
2-I Chronicles 16; Ps.106; Mt.19
3- 2 Samuel 7; I Chronicles 17; Ps.2; Mt.20
4- 2 Samuel 8,9; I Chronicles 18,19; Mt. 21
5- 2 Samuel 10; I Chronicles 20; Ps.20; Mt.22
6- 2 Samuel 11,12; Ps.51; Mt. 23
8- 2 Samuel 15,16; Ps.32; Mt.25
11- 2 Samuel 19,20; Ps.55; Mt.28
12- 2 Samuel 21-23; I Thessalonians 1
13- 2 Samuel 24; I Chronicles 21; Ps. 30; I Thessalonians 2
14- I Chronicles 22-24; I Thessalonians 3
15- I Chronicles 25-27; I Thessalonians 4
16- I Kings 1; I Chronicles 28; Ps.91 I Thessalonians 5
17- I Kings 2; I Chronicles 29; Ps. 95; 2 Thessalonians 1
18- I Kings 3; 2 Chronicles 1; Ps. 78; 2 Thessalonians 2
19- I Kings 4,5; 2 Chronicles 2; Ps.101; 2 Thessalonians 3
20- I Kings 6; 2 Chronicles 3; Ps. 97; Romans 1
21- I Kings 7; 2 Chronicles 4; Ps. 98; Romans 2
22- I Kings 8; 2 Chronicles 5; Ps.99; Romans 3
23- 2 Chronicles 6,7; Ps.135; Romans 4
24- I Kings 9; 2 Chronicles 8; Ps. 136; Romans 5
25- I Kings 10,11; 2 Chronicles 9; Romans 6
June Classic Bible Reading Plan
4- Proverbs 28-29; Psalm 60; Romans 16
5- Proverbs 30, 31; Psalm 33; Ephesians 1
6- Ecclesiastes 1-3; Psalm 45; Ephesians 2
7- Ecclesiastes 4-6; Psalm 18; Ephesians 3
8- Ecclesiastes 7-9; Ephesians 4
9- Ecclesiastes 10-12; Psalm 94; Ephesians 5
10- Song of Songs 1-4; Ephesians 6
11- Song of Songs 5-8; Philippians 1
12- I Kings 12; 2 Chronicles 10,11; Philippians 2
13- I Kings 13,14; 2 Chronicles 12; Philippians 3
14- I Kings 15; 2 Chronicles 13; Philippians 4
15- I Kings 16; 2 Chronicles 15, 16; Colossians 1
16- I Kings 17-19; Colossians 2
17- I Kings 20,21; 2 Chronicles 17; Colossians 3
18- I Kings 22; 2 Chronicles 18,19; Colossians 4
19- 2 Kings 1-3; Psalm 82; 1 Timothy 1
20- 2 Kings 4,5; Psalm 83; 1 Timothy 2
21- 2 Kings 6,7; 2 Chronicles 20; I Timothy 3
22- 2 Kings 8,9; 2 Chronicles 21; I Timothy 4
23- 2 Kings 10; 2 Chronicles 22, 23; I Timothy 5
24- 2 Kings 11,12; 2 Chronicles 24; I Timothy 6
27- 2 Kings 13, 14; 2 Chronicles 25; 2 Timothy 3
28- Amos 1-3; Ps. 80; 2 Timothy 4
29- Amos 4-6; Psalm 86, 87; Titus 1
30- Amos 7-9; Psalm 104; Titus 2
July Classic Bible Reading Plan
2- Isaiah 4,5; Psalm 115, 116; Jude
3- Isaiah 6,7; 2 Chronicles 26,27; Philemon
4- 2 Kings 15,16; Hosea 1; Hebrews 1
7- Hosea 10-12; Psalm 73; Hebrews 4
8- Hosea 13,14 Psalm 100, 102; Hebrews 5
19- 2 Kings 17; 2 Chronicles 28; Psalm 46; James 3
20- 2 Chronicles 29-31; James 4
21- 2 Kings 18,19; 2 Chronicles 32; James 5
22- Isaiah 36,37; Psalm 76; I Peter 1
23- 2 Kings 20; Isaiah 38,39; Psalm 75; I Peter 2
27- Isaiah 50-52; Psalm 92; 2 Peter 1
29- Isaiah 57-59; Psalm 103; 2 Peter 3
31- Isaiah 63,64; Psalm 107; John 2
August Classic Bible Reading Plan
2- 2 Kings 21; 2 Chronicles 33; Jn.4
4- 2 Kings 22; 2 Chronicles 34; Jn.6
5- 2 Kings 23; 2 Chronicles 35; Jn.7
14- Jeremiah 16,17; Ps.96; Jn.16
15- Jeremiah 18-20; Ps. 93; Jn.17
16- 2 Kings 24; Jeremiah 22; Ps.112; Jn.18
19- Jeremiah 45-47; Ps. 105; Jn.21
20- Jeremiah 48,49; Ps.67; 1Jn.1
21- Jeremiah 21,24,27; Ps.118; 1Jn.2
24- Jeremiah 33,34; Ps. 74; 1Jn.5
25- Jeremiah 37-39; Ps.79; 2Jn.
27- Jeremiah 52; Revelation 1; Ps. 143, 144
30- Ezekiel 8-11; Revelation 4
31- Ezekiel 12-14; Revelation 5
September Classic Bible Reading Plan
1- Ezekiel 15, 16; Ps. 70; Revelation 6
2- Ezekiel 17-19; Revelation 7
3- Ezekiel 20,21; Ps.111; Revelation 8
4- Ezekiel 22-24; Revelation 9
5- Ezekiel 25-28; Revelation 10
6- Ezekiel 29-32; Revelation 11
7- 2 Kings 25; 2 Chronicles 36; Jeremiah 40,41; Revelation 12
8- Jeremiah 42-44; Ps.48; Revelation 13
9- Lamentations 1,2; Obadiah; Revelation 14
10- Lamentations 3-5; Revelation 15
12- Daniel 3,4; Ps.81; Revelation 17
13- Ezekiel 33-35; Revelation 18
14- Ezekiel 36,37; Ps.110; Revelation 19
15- Ezekiel 38,39; Ps. 145; Revelation 20
16- Ezekiel 40,41; Ps.128; Revelation 21
17- Ezekiel 42-44; Revelation 22
20- Daniel 5,6; Ps. 130; Luke 3
21- Daniel 7,8; Ps.137; Luke 4
22- Daniel 9,10; Ps. 123; Luke 5
25- Ezra 2,3; Luke 8
26- Ezra 4; Ps. 113,127; Luke 9
27- Haggai 1,2; Ps. 129; Luke 10
October Classic Bible Reading Plan
1- Zechariah 10-12; Ps. 126; Luke 14
2- Zechariah 13-14; Ps. 147; Luke 15
4- Esther 1,2; Ps. 150; Luke 17
8- Ezra 9,10; Ps. 131; Luke 21
9- Nehemiah 1,2; Ps.133,134; Luke 22
11- Nehemiah 5,6; Ps. 146; Luke 24
14- Nehemiah 11,12; Ps.1; Acts 3
15- Nehemiah 13; Malachi 1,2; Acts 4
16- Malachi 3,4; Ps. 148; Acts 5
19- Job 5; Ps. 108; Acts 10,11
20- Job 6-8; Acts 12
27- Job 18; Ps.114; Acts 27,28
28- Job 19; Mark 1,2
29- Job 20; Mark 3,4
30- Job 21; Mark 5,6
31- Job 22; Mark 7,8
November Classic Bible Reading Plan
6- Job 30; Ps.120; Galatians 3,4
10- Job 35-36; I Corinthians 7,8
11- Ps. 122; I Corinthians 9-11
12- Job 37-38; I Corinthians 12
13- Job 39,40; I Corinthians 13,14
14- Ps. 149; I Corinthians 15,16
15- Job 41,42; 2 Corinthians 1,2
18- Ps.124; 2 Corinthians 11-13
19- Matthew 1-4
20- Matthew 5-7
21- Matthew 8-10
22- Matthew 11-13
23- Matthew 14-16
24- Matthew 17-19
25- Matthew 20-22
26- Matthew 23-25
28- Matthew 28; I Thessalonians 1-3
29- I Thessalonians 4,5; 2 Thessalonians 1-3
30- Romans 1-4
December Classic Reading Plan
1- Romans 5-8
2- Romans 9-12
3- Romans 13-16
5- Ephesians 5,6; Ps. 119:1-80
10- 2 Timothy 1-4
12- Hebrews 5-8
13- Hebrews 9-11
15- James 1-5
16- I Peter 1-5
18- Jn. 2-4
19- Jn. 5,6
20- Jn.7,8
21- Jn. 9-11
22- Jn. 12-14
23- Jn. 15-18
24- Jn. 19-21
25- I John 1-5
26- Ps. 117; 119:81-176; 2 John; 3 John
27- Revelation 1-4
28- Revelation 5-9
29- Revelation 10-14
30- Revelation 15-18
31- Revelation 19-22
January Express Bible Reading Plan
7- Gen.19:15-16; Ps.3; Lk.7:1-35
8- Gen.21:1-7; Gen.22; Lk.8:16-25
9- Gen.24:12,26-27; Lk.9:37-62
11- Gen.28:10-22; Lk.11:1-13, 33-36
12- Gen.30:22-24; Lk.12:1-12, 22-48
14- Lk.14
15- Gen.37; Ps.7:9-10; Lk.15:1-7
17- Ps.5; Lk.17:1-19
19- Lk.19
21- Ex.2:1-10; Lk.21
22- Ex.3
23- Ex.6:1-12; 7:1-7; 8:16-19; Lk.23:32-40
25- Ex.12; 13:17-22
26- Ex.14
27- Ex.20
28- Ps.12; Acts 4
29- Ps.14; Acts 5
30- Acts 6
February Express Bible Reading Plan
3- Acts 10
5- Ex.40:34-38; Ps.15; Acts 12
6- Acts 13
10- Acts 17
11- Acts 18
12- Lev.19:1-4; Ps.13; Acts 19
15- Lev.25:17-19; Ps.25; Acts 22
18- Acts 25
19- Num.6:24-26; Ps.22:8-11; Acts 26
20- Ps.23; Acts 27
22- Ps.27; Mk.1
23- Num.13
24- Num.14
25- Ps.29; Mk.4
26- Ps.28; Mk.5
27- Mk.6
March Express Bible Reading Plan
6- Deut. 4:1-40; Ps.36; Mk.13:31-37
7- Deut. 5:28-33; Ps.43; Mk.14:1-26
9- Deut. 10:12-22; Deut. 11; Mk.16
11- Deut. 18:9-13; Ps.38; Gal.2
14- Deut. 26; Gal.5
16- Deut.31:1-8; Ps.40; I Cor.1
18- Josh.1; Ps.37
19- Josh.3; I Cor.4
20- Josh. 7; I Cor.5
23- I Cor.8
25- Josh.21:43-45; Ps.47; I Cor.10
26- Josh.23; Ps.44:1-8; I Cor.11
27- I Cor.12
29- Ps.52; I Cor.14
31- Ps.49; I Cor.16
April Express Bible Reading Plan
2- Judges 13:1-5, 24; Judges 16; 2 Cor.2:14-17
4- 2 Cor.4
9- I Sam.7:3-4; Ps.72; 2 Cor.9
15- I Sam.17; Ps.9
16- I Sam.18:12-16; Ps.11; Mt.3
17- Ps.59; Mt.4
18- Ps.34; Mt.5
19- Ps.17; Mt.6
20- Ps.31; Mt.7
21- Ps.57; Mt.8
22- Ps.63; Mt.9
23- Ps.141; Mt.10
25- I Chronicles 10; Mt. 12:22-50
27- Ps.142; Mt.14
28- Mt. 15
29- Ps.139; Mt.16
30- Ps.68; Mt.17
May Express Bible Reading Plan
3- I Chronicles 17:20; Ps.2; Mt. 20:17-34
4- Mt. 21
7- Mt. 24
11- Ps. 55; Mt.28
12- 2 Samuel 22; I Thessalonians 1
14- I Chronicles 22; I Thessalonians 3
16- I Chronicles 28:9; Ps.91; I Thessalonians 5
17- I Chronicles 29:13-14; Ps.95; 2 Thessalonians 1
18- I Kings 3:5-15; Ps.78:11-25; 2 Thessalonians 2
19- Ps. 101; 2 Thessalonians 3
20- I Kings 6:11-13; Ps. 97; Romans 1:18-32
21- Ps. 98; Romans 2
22- I Kings 8:56-61; Ps.99; Romans 3:21-31
23- 2 Chronicles 7:14; Ps.135; Romans 4
26- Proverbs 1:7-19; 2:1-8; Proverbs 3
27- Proverbs 4:20-27; 6:16-35; Romans 8
28- Proverbs 8:12-21; 9:9-12; Romans 9
29- Proverbs 10; 12:1-13; Romans 10
30- Proverbs 13,15; Romans 11:25-36
June Express Bible Reading Plan
3- Proverbs 25:21-22, Proverbs 27; Romans 15:1-13
4- Psalm 60, Proverbs 29; Romans 16:17-20
5- Psalm 33; Proverbs 30:5; Ephesians 1
6- Psalm 45; Ecclesiastes 3:1-11; Ephesians 2
7- Psalm 18:1-3; Ecclesiastes 5:1-7; Ephesians 3
8- Ecclesiastes 7:8-9; Ephesians 4
9- Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Psalm 94; Ephesians 5:1-21
10- Ephesians 6
11- Philippians 1
12- Philippians 2
13- Philippians 3
14- Philippians 4
15- Colossians 1
18- Colossians 4
21- 2 Kings 6:1-7; I Timothy 3
22- I Timothy 4
23- I Timothy 5
24- 2 Chronicles 24:17-20; I Timothy 6
26- 2 Timothy 2
27- 2 Kings 13:20-21; 2 Timothy 3
28- Psalm 80; Amos 3:1-7; 2 Timothy 4
29- Psalm 86; Amos 5:14-15; Titus 1
30- Psalm 104:33-35; Amos 9:13-15; Titus 2
July Express Bible Reading Plan
2- Psalm 115; Isaiah 5:15-16; Jude
3- 2 Chronicles 26; Isaiah 6:1-8; Philemon
4- Hebrews 1
7- Psalm 73; Hosea 10:12; Hebrews 4
8- Psalm 100; Hosea 13:4-6; Hebrews 5
12- Isaiah 11:1-5; Isaiah 14:27; Hebrews 9
13- Hebrews 10
14- Hebrews 11
15- Hebrews 12
17- James 1
20- 2 Chronicles 31:20-21; James 4
21- 2 Chronicles 32:7-8; James 5
22- Psalm 76; Isaiah 37:14-20; I Peter 1
24- Isaiah 40, 41:10-13; I Peter 3
27- Psalm 92; Isaiah 52:7; 2 Peter 1
29- Psalm 103; Isaiah 58; 2 Peter 3
August Express Bible Reading Plan
4- Jn.6
6- Jn.8
7- Zeph.3; Jn.9
8- Jer.1; Jn.10
20- Ps.67; 1Jn.1
23- Jer.32:17; 1Jn.4
25- Jer.38:20; 2Jn.
27- Ps.143:8-12; Ps.144:1-2; Revelation 1
28- Ezekiel 3:16-27; Revelation 2
29- Revelation 3
30- Ezekiel 11:19-21; Revelation 4
31- Ezekiel 14:12-14; Revelation 5
September Express Bible Reading Plan
1- Ps. 70; Ezekiel 16:49-63; Revelation 6
2- Ezekiel 18:30-32; Revelation 7
3- Ps. 111; Ezekiel 20:39-44; Revelation 8
4- Ezekiel 22:30; 23:28-30; Revelation 9
5- Ezekiel 28:25-26; Revelation 10
6- Ezekiel 31:10-14; Revelation 11
7- 2 Chronicles 36:22-23; Revelation 12
8- Ps.48; Jer.42; Revelation 13
10- Lamentations 3:22-66; Revelation 15
12- Ps.81:9-10; Daniel 3; Revelation 17
13- Ezekiel 33:10-11; Revelation 18
14- Ps. 110; Ezekiel 36:25-27; Revelation 19
17- Ezekiel 43:1-5; Revelation 22
19- Luke 2
20- Daniel 6; Luke 3
21- Luke 4
22- Luke 5
24- Ps. 84; Luke 7
25- Luke 8
26- Ps. 127; Luke 9
October Express Bible Reading Plan
2- Ps. 147; Zechariah 13:8-9; Luke 15
5- Esther 3:13; Esther 4,8; Luke 18:1-17
6- Esther 9:1-5; Luke 19:1-10; 28-44
7- Ezra 7:1-10; 8:21-23; Luke 20:9-19
8- Ezra 10:1-17; Ps.131; Luke 21:1-4
11- Nehemiah 6; Ps. 146; Luke 24:36-53
12- Acts 1
13- Nehemiah 9; Acts 2:1-4, 40-47
14- Ps. 1; Acts 3
16- Ps. 148; Malachi 3; Acts 5:12-16
19- Job 5:8-18; Ps. 108; Acts 10:23-48
23- Acts 17:10-34; Acts 18:1-17
25- Acts 22
27- Ps. 114; Acts 28
28- Job 19:25-27; Mark 1:9-20; Mark 2
29- Job 20:4-11; Mark 3; Mark 4:30-41
30- Mark 5; Mark 6:4-13, 45-56
31- Job 22:21-22; Mark 7; Mark 8:27-38
November Express Bible Reading Plan
1- Psalm 121; Mark 9:1-13; Mark 10:17-45
4- Mark 15, 16
9- Job 34:21; I Corinthians 5; I Corinthians 6:12-20
10- I Corinthians 8
11- Ps. 122; I Corinthians 9; I Corinthians 10:1-13
12- I Corinthians 12
13- I Corinthians 13; I Corinthians 14:1-25
14- Ps. 149; I Corinthians 15; I Corinthians 16:13-14
18- Ps. 124; 2 Corinthians 12,13
19- Matthew 1:18-25; Matthew 3, 4
20- Matthew 5:1-16; Matthew 6:5-15; Matthew 7
21- Matthew 8:1-17; Matthew 9:35-38; Matthew 10
22- Matthew 11:25-30; Matthew 12:1-21; Matthew 13
23- Matthew 15:15-39; Matthew 16
24- Matthew 17:14-27; Matthew 18:1-20; Matthew 19:13-30
25- Matthew 20; Matthew 21:1-22
26- Matthew 23:11-12; Matthew 24:45-47; Matthew 25
28- Matthew 28:16-20; I Thessalonians 1,3
29- I Thessalonians 5; 2 Thessalonians 1
30- Romans 3,4
December Express Reading Plan
1- Romans 5:1-11; Romans 6:15-23; Romans 8:28-39
2- Romans 10,12
4- Ephesians 2:1-10; Ephesians 3:14-21; Ephesians 4
5- Ephesians 5:1-21; Ephesians 6
6- Philippians 2:1-18; Philippians 3; Philippians 4:1-9
7- Colossians 1:15-29; Colossians 3
8- I Timothy 1; I Timothy 2; I Timothy 3:1-10
9- Titus 1; Titus 2; Titus 3:1-11
13- Hebrews 10:19-39; Hebrews 11
14- Hebrews 13; Jude
15- James 1; James 4
18- John 4
19- John 5:16-47; John 6:16-24
21- John 10:1-21; John 11:17-44
27- Revelation 2; Revelation 3
28- Revelation 5; Revelation 7:9-17
29- Revelation 14
30- Revelation 15; Revelation 16:1-7; Revelation 17
31- Revelation 21; Revelation 22
We offer two versions for your convenience. Use the version that best fits your needs and preference.
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