Mix Tape Our NEW Sermon Series Begins Sunday, June 6, 2021! Join us online at 9am, 10:45am or on-site https://www.fivelakes.church/onsite/. Invite a...
Card Senders Team Right from your home, you can make a discernable difference! Send notes of comfort and encouragement to our faith family as they walk...
Worship Night Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 23 6:00pm-7:00pm. Our sanctuary will be filled with song as we spend time simply worshipping our God...
Stephen Ministry “… a great support system that allows you to be yourself and express your feelings, fears, anger, and in the darkest times taught me to...
The Prayer Team “It is great to be reminded that miracles are happening all around us” This powerful and effective team is privileged to be a part of...
What Matters Most In a world of endless possibilities, what matter’s most? This series will unpack how the choices you make and the stands you take...
Five Lakes Goods At Five Lakes we love God, we love our community and we love our church. Five Lakes Goods is the place to pick up items that you may enjoy....
MARRIAGE PREP Marriage Prep Team Are you engaged? Five Lakes Member Care is excited about saving your marriage before it starts! Our Marriage Prep...
The Good Life How good is “good enough”? In a generation steeped in a constant stream of information and disinformation, is there any way to know how...